Mon – Thurs: 12pm – 8pm
Fri– Sat: 11am-8pm
Sunday: Closed

Product Spotlight ~ Trainer Kit by nsnovelties


August 13, 2017

In honor of “Anal Pleasure Month,” it is fitting that our “Product Spotlight” this month would be an anal toy. So like I had mentioned in our “Anal Pleasure Month” blog, if you are new to using anal toys, it is best to get your feet wet versus jumping off the diving board.

Before engaging in anal activities, you MUST HAVE LUBE! Our staff cannot stress enough how much lube is vital. Anal tissue is 40% thinner than vaginal tissue. Given that the anus is not self-lubricating; without lube, you are more prone to cause injury to yourself or your partner. Even though we do recommend some lubes over others for anal activity, such as Wicked Jelle or ID Backslide, any lube is better than no lube!

The “Trainer Kit” by nsnovelties is the best way to ease into anal sex. These kits come with three plug sizes ( small, medium, large).  The different sizes allow you to track your progress as you become more experienced over time. Made from a silicone material and having a flared base, the plugs are body-safe all around. The silicone material is non-porous; meaning you wouldn’t have to worry about your toy holding onto any bacteria after you’ve cleaned with toy cleaner. A flared base is an essential to any object you want to introduce to your anus. Think about the butt plug as a kite; without holding onto the string to keep it from flying away, the kite would have been blown away and lost. Basically, do not stick anything into your rectum without a base to save yourself a trip to the emergency room.

Clean your plugs every time after and before use. You want to clean the toy with a toy cleaner to wash away all the bacteria you see and those that you do not. If you do not clean your toys, that bacteria will sit on your toy and eventually eat away at the silicone material. Also, you can obtain a serious infection if you are not cleaning your toys. Do not transfer your plugs from the anus to the vagina. These are two different holes that should not be sharing bacteria without catching a potential infection!

Now that you know everything about the Trainer kits, come and pick yours up today! The kits come in two color options: black and pink. Our staff will walk you through the different lubes we carry to find which one suits you best. Swing by The Love Shack Boutique; where our business is your pleasure!